Temperature by Latitude

This study compares a variety of weather factors - temperature, cloudiness, windyness, and humidity - against latitude (distance from the equator). The strongest trend is well known and obvious, locations closer to the equator generally have warmer temperatures, but a more detailed discussion can be found in the visualization page for each weather aspect.

To perform this analysis, I used randomly generated geocoordinates and citpy to identify the nearest city and it's true latitude and longitude. This was repeated and duplicates were removed until a list of 400 cities was generated. OpenWeatherMap's 5 day forecast API was then used to identify the weather trends for each city. Results were plotted by latitude and are shown in each visualization page.


  • The 5 day forcast was used to average out patterns that vary by time of day.
  • Ideally historical data would be used, if available free of cost.
  • All data is from the week of November 12th, 2017.